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Mystery YAML file documentation

The mystery weightset yaml file (aka. “weightset”), can be a bit confusing to understand, especially with some of the more advanced features. This document is intended to help you craft your own mystery weights for use with SahasrahBot.


At the start of each weightset, a description should be provided of the weightset.

description: Example description.

For a basic weightset, a value, and its weight, needs to be specified for the following settings: glitches_required, item_placement, dungeon_items, accessibility, goals, tower_open, ganon_open, world_state, entrance_shuffle, boss_shuffle, enemy_shuffle, hints, weapons, item_pool, item_functionality, enemy_damage, enemy_health, pot_shuffle

For each setting that is being rolled, a dictionary consisting of a value for the setting, and its weight, should be specified. From this point on, I will refer to this as a “weight” within the weightset file.

  standard: 60
  mc: 10 # Maps/Compasses
  mcs: 10 # Maps/Compasses/Small Keys
  full: 20 # Keysanity

In the example above, standard has a 60% chance, mc has a 10% chance, mcs has a 20% chance, and full has a 20% chance. The weight values don’t need to add up to 100, but generally its considered good practice to do so to help others understand the chances.

If you want an setting to always be a specific value, you can just specify it as a string.

glitches_required: "none"

The example above will always set glitches_required to none.

To allow quickswap:

allow_quickswap: true

You can check out the weighted for a basic example.


Use of the customizer makes things a bit more complex. The customizer is very powerful, but it can be overwhelming, especially if you’re not familar with the syntax of the customizer. This section only is used when entrance shuffle is rolled as none.

Customizer is specified as a key on the root of the weightset file called customizer. The customizer section has five sections:

    eq: ...
    custom: ...
    timed-ohko: ...
    triforce-hunt: ...
    pool: ...

The chaos weightset has a good example of these in action.

“eq” - Equipped gear

This section lets you customize the changes that Link will be pre-equipped with specific items. This is most commonly used to randomize a boots start, however it can be used to randomize whatever starting equipment you want.


            0: 80
            1: 10
            2: 5
            3: 3
            4: 2
            0: 50
            1: 50

“custom” custom configuration settings

This is probably the most complex section. For a full list of available custom options, you may need to search ALTTPR’s source code. This is all undocumented and may work in unexpected ways. Below are some settings that can be set, but it is not exhaustive.


            True: 50
            False: 50
        # item.require.Lamp is actually backwards (True enables dark room navigation)
        # if this is True, enemy_shuffle and enemy_damage are set to defaults
        item.require.Lamp: False
            True: 95
            False: 5
            True: 95
            False: 5
            True: 50
            False: 50
            True: 50
            False: 50
            True: 50
            False: 50
            True: 50
            False: 50
            "pickup": 40
            "on": 10
            "off": 50
            True: 90
            False: 10
            "countdown-ohko": 10
            "off": 90
            True: 5
            False: 95
            True: 5
            False: 95
            TwentyRupees2: 25
            Heart: 10
            SmallMagic: 15
            Rupoor: 50
            TwentyRupees2: 25
            Heart: 10
            SmallMagic: 15
            Rupoor: 50
            TwentyRupees2: 25
            Heart: 10
            SmallMagic: 15
            Rupoor: 50
            TwentyRupees2: 25
            Heart: 10
            SmallMagic: 15
            Rupoor: 50
            TwentyRupees2: 25
            Heart: 10
            SmallMagic: 15
            Rupoor: 50
            2: 5 # expert
            3: 10 # hard
            4: 85 # normal
            0: 5 # hard/expert
            1: 10
            2: 85 # normal
            1: 10 # hard/expert
            2: 90 # normal
            0: 5
            1: 5 # expert
            2: 10 # hard
            3: 80 # normal
            2: 5 # expert
            6: 10 # hard
            10: 85 # normal
            8: 5 # expert
            16: 10 # hard
            24: 85 # normal
        item.overflow.count.Bottle: 4
            5: 50
            10: 30
            20: 20
            True: 70
            False: 30

“timed-ohko” settings

In the custom section of customizer, there is a rom.timerMode setting.

    "countdown-ohko": 10
    "off": 90

If countdown-ohko is rolled, the timed-ohko section activates. This allows you to specify the starting time on the OHKO (One Hit Knockout) clock, the amount of time the clocks grant, and the number of them added to th e pool. A random value is chosen between the two numbers specified. If this section is absent, the game will be traditional OHKO mode without any clocks.


        timerStart: [900, 1500]
                value: [180, 300]
                pool: [12, 16]
                value: [300, 600]
                pool: [0, 2]
                value: [-600, 300]
                pool: [0, 3]

“triforce-hunt” - Triforce Hunt Options

These settings allow you to customize the behavior of the Triforce Hunt goal. If chosen, it lets you specify the random range of the number of pieces required to meet the goal, the number of pieces in the pool, and the minimum difference between the number of goal pieces and the number of pool pieces.


        goal: [30, 60]
        pool: [40, 70]
        min_difference: 10

“pool” - Item Pool Customization

This allows you to customize the contents of the item pool. You can add or remove whatever items you see fit.


            "1": 5
            "2": 10
            "4": 20
            "6": 30
            "10": 30
            "12": 5


If you didn’t have enough already to take in, there is also a feature called “subweights”. Subweights allow you to allow you to roll a specific set of weights first, then merge those weights into the “parent” weights.

These only merge one key deep, so if customizer is specifed in a subweight, the entire customizer key from the parent weightset is replaced.

  # states the chance of not doing anything, leaving out the "weights" will have
  # the mystery generator use the global weights
    chance: 30

  # a simple example of a subweight
    chance: 50
      pot_shuffle: "off"
        normal: 5
        hard: 15
        expert: 80
      customizer: null # this cancels any customizer options that might have been specified in the parent weights

  # a timed ohko example
    chance: 20
      item_placement: basic
      item_functionality: normal
      enemy_damage: default
      enemy_health: default
      boss_shuffle: none
      enemy_shuffle: none
      pot_shuffle: none
      entrances: none
      # merge only happens 1 key deep, so you must specify EVERYTHING, we don't
      # try to merge the parent customizer key with the subweight's customizer key
      # instead, it'll just overwrite everything
            False: 70
            True: 30
          timerStart: [900, 1500]
              value: [180, 300]
              pool: [12, 16]
              value: [300, 600]
              pool: [0, 2]
              value: [-600, 300]
              pool: [0, 3]
            True: 50
            False: 50

The pogchampion_season5 weightset has a good example of these in action.

Preset rolling

You can have it choose a SahasrahBot preset. This is rolled first before anything else. If something other than none is selected, it’ll create a game using that preset instead.

# this lets you have the mystery generator just use another SahasrahBot preset
  none: 95
  openmajoritems: 2.5
  lightsped: 2
  trueicerodhunt: .5 # why?????

Misc options

This section contians some miscellaneous options. Currently the only option is FillItemPoolWith, which will have the customizer fill the reminding item pool with a specific item if it was less than 216 items.

  FillItemPoolWith: TwentyRupees2

Mystery generation workflow

This is a basic overview of how a mystery game is currently generated. There are several steps that occur.

  1. A preset is chosen from the preset key. If anything other than none, it retrieves that preset and returns, otherwise continue.
  2. Pick a subweight, if the subweights section exists. Merge that subweight into the parent’s weights.
  3. Roll entrance_shuffle.
  4. If entrance_shuffle is “none”, and there is a customizer section:
    1. Roll starting equipment in the eq section.
    2. Roll custom options in the custom section.
    3. Roll starting item pool in pool section.
  5. If anything required customizer, then get a copy of the default customizer payload, else get the default randomizer payload.
  6. Roll glitches_required, item_placement, dungeon_items, accessibility, goals, tower_open, ganon_open, world_state, entrance_shuffle, boss_shuffle, enemy_shuffle, hints, weapons, item_pool, item_functionality, enemy_damage, enemy_health, pot_shuffle.
  7. Set allow_quickswap. Default is false.
  8. If customizer is required (as determined in step 4).
    1. Remove any pre-equipped items from the pool.
    2. If item.require.Lamp is True (dark rooms are required by logic). Set enemy_shuffle, enemy_damage, and pot_shuffle to defaults.
    3. If region.wildKeys, region.wildBigKeys, region.wildCompasses, region.wildMaps exists in the custom section. Set dungeon_items to standard.
    4. If the goal is triforce-hunt, then use the triforce-hunt section in customizer to add triforce pieces to the pool, and set the number of goal pieces.
    5. If rom.timerMode is countdown-ohko, then add clocks and set the timed OHKO settings specified in the timed-ohko section.
    6. Determine if there is less than 216 items in the pool, and fill the remainder of the pool with the FillItemPoolWith option to get it to 216 (a Nothing item by default).
    7. If the goal is pedestal or dungeons, prize.crossWorld is forced to True.
  9. Since entrance randomizer on the website doesn’t support Map/Compass (MC) and Map/Compass/Small Key (MCS) dungeon item shuffles, those are set to “Standard” and “Keysanity” respectively for Entrance Randomizer.
  10. If weapons is swordless or randomized, the world state is standard, and enemy_shuffle, enemy_damage and enemy_health are something other than default, then force weapons to assured. This makes an enemized escape possible most of the time.