SahasrahBot Presets
Preset | Description | |
168hunt | Go check every single chest, because why not. | Customizer |
adboots | Defeat every dungeon, but you at least get to start with Pegasus Boots! | Customizer |
adinvertedenemizer | Some good ol’ enemy and boss shuffle, but its also inverted… and all dungeons. Only fearagent would ask for something like this. | |
adkeys | All dungeon items are shuffled and all dungeons, including Castle Tower, are required. | |
adkeys_boots | All Dungeons Keysanity, but you get boots too! | Customizer |
ambrosia | Standard with a pre-equipped sword. Dungeon bosses have a guaranteed non-dungeon item. Uncle spoilers your boots location. | Customizer |
ambroz1a | Get 8 triforce pieces and talk to Murahdahla! | Customizer |
basicdoors | Basic door shuffle, open world state. | Door Randomizer |
beatable | Open, except the randomizer only ensures it can be beaten. | |
beginner | A good start for new players. | |
black_friday_hell_seed | Customizer | |
blitzmode | 4/4 fast ganon. Start with Boots, Activated Flute, Pearl, Mitts, Master Sword, and Lamp | Customizer |
bot_testing | SpeedGaming Live 2021 Settings, details at | Customizer |
casual | Standard with a starting weapon. | |
casualboots | Standard with a starting weapon, but you get boots too! | Customizer |
casualboots_dungeons | Standard with a starting weapon, but you get boots too! | Customizer |
casualboots_fast | Standard with a starting weapon, but you get boots and Aghanim 2 isn’t required. | Customizer |
champions_swordless | Swords are overrated anyway. | Customizer |
classic | Attempts to closely mimic the feel of v18. No progressive items, etc. | Customizer |
crisscross | Cross dungeon shuffle doors, crossworld entrance shuffle. | Door Randomizer |
crisscrosskeydrop | Cross dungeon shuffle doors, crossworld entrance shuffle, with a touch of keydrop shuffle. | Door Randomizer |
crisscrosskeys | Cross dungeon doors, crossworld entrance shuffle, plus keysanity. | Door Randomizer |
crossdoors | Cross dungeon doors | Door Randomizer |
crossedkeydrop | Cross dungeon door shuffle plus key drops. | Door Randomizer |
crosskeydropsoup | crossworld entrance shuffle, with a touch of keydrop shuffle and starting flute and boots. | Door Randomizer |
crosskeys | Crossworld entrance with keysanity. | |
crosskeys2023 | Crossworld entrance with keysanity and 100% location accessibility as used for the 2023 Crosskeys Tournament. | |
dungeons | Open, but all dungeons required including Castle Tower. | |
dungeons_boots | All Dungeons, but you get boots too! | Customizer |
enemizer | Some good ol’ enemy and boss shuffle. | |
enemizer_assured | Some good ol’ enemy and boss shuffle. | |
enemizer_bossesonly | Some good ol’ boss shuffle. | |
expert | Expert item pool. | |
fadkeys | AD Keys, but the Castle Tower Keys are in Castle Tower. | Customizer |
fadkeys_gt | AD Keys, but the Castle Tower Keys are in Castle Tower and GT Big Key is in GT. | Customizer |
goldrush | A 49/50 Triforce Hunt, by BigDunka | Customizer |
goldrush_keys | A 49/50 Triforce Hunt Keysanity, by BigDunka | Customizer |
hard_enemizer | Some good ol’ enemy and boss shuffle, hard item pool. | |
hard_mc | Only maps and compasses are shuffled in the world, hard item pool | |
hardicerodhunt | You get every item absolutely required to beat the game, except Ice Rod. All chests are otherwise empty except for that Ice Rod. GLHF :) | Customizer |
hmg | Customizer | |
inverted | Inverted. You start in the dark world. | |
inverted_adkeys | Inverted world state and keysanity, all dungeons. | |
inverted_crosskeys | Cross world entrance shuffle, but also using the inverted world state. | |
inverted_keys | Inverted world state and keysanity. | |
invrosia | Inverted with a pre-equipped sword. Dungeon bosses have a guaranteed non-dungeon item. Big Keys are shuffled in the wild, except GTBK is guarenteed to be in GT. | Customizer |
invrosia_boots | Inverted with a pre-equipped sword and boots. Dungeon bosses have a guaranteed non-dungeon item. Big Keys are shuffled in the wild, except GTBK is guarenteed to be in GT. | Customizer |
keydrop | Key drop items are shuffled. | Door Randomizer |
keydropsanity | Key drop items are shuffled. | Door Randomizer |
keysanity | Open keysanity | |
league_swordless | Swords are overrated anyway. (Standard dungeon item shuffle) | Customizer |
lightspeed | Complete the 3 Light World pendant dungeons to ascend Agahnim’’s Tower and grab the Triforce on the Pyramid Ledge. | Customizer |
ludicrousspeed | A fast game! This has four of each progression item. | Customizer |
mc | Only maps and compasses are shuffled in the world. | |
mcs | Maps, compasses, and small keys are shuffled in the world. | |
mg | This requires use of major glitches. | |
msutest | This generates a game ideal for MSU-1 pack testing. | Customizer |
nologic | No Logic. Anything can be anywhere and nothing really matters. | |
nologic_keylock | No Logic Keysanity, but Big Keys are stuck on bosses and in the Moldorm 2 chest. | Customizer |
nologic_rods | No Logic with Double Rods | Customizer |
open | Open mode, thats pretty much it. | |
open_assured | Open mode with assured sword. | |
open_fast | Open mode, thats pretty much it. | |
open_fast_07 | Fast ganon, but GT is open immediately. Intended to be played in a spoiler race. | |
open_fast_66 | Fast ganon, slightly reduced crystals (6 for GT, 6 for Ganon) | |
open_fast_74 | Four crystals required for Ganon, but 7 for GT. Keeps GT effectively locked out. | |
open_noprogbows | Customizer | |
open_randomcrystals | Random GT and Ganon crystal requirements. | |
openboots | You get to start with Pegasus Boots! | Customizer |
openboots_enemizer | Enemizer, and you get to start with Pegasus Boots! | Customizer |
openboots_fast | You get to start with Pegasus Boots! Oh, and you don’t need to defeat Aghanim 2. | Customizer |
openboots_mc | You get to start with Pegasus Boots! Oh, and you don’t need to defeat Aghanim 2. Maps and compasses are shuffled in the world. | Customizer |
openflute | You get to start with.. an activated flute? Sky’s the limit! | Customizer |
openmajoritems | Shuffles only inventory items and heart containers. Keys, dungeon items, ammo, money, and heart pieces remain vanilla. | Customizer |
openplus | Ladder S12 - Open w/ Pseudoboots | Customizer |
opensgl | Deutsches Tournament Open in den Brackets (SGL settings) | Customizer |
owg | Overworld glitches are required. | |
owg_assured | Overworld glitches are required. Start with a sword. | |
owg_fast | Overworld glitches are required, but Aghanim 2 is not! | |
owg_vt | Overworld glitches, Veetorp’s style. | |
pedestal | The goal is the pedestal. | |
potpourri | Ladder Season 7 Potpourri | Customizer |
retrance | Retro + Crosskeys | |
retro | A throwback to Zelda 1. | |
sakuleague | An easy preset. Intended for the Friday Night Saku Racing League. | |
sakuleagueboots | An easy preset. Intended for the Friday Night Saku Racing League. With 100% more starting boots! | Customizer |
sgl2022 | SpeedGaming Live 2022 Settings | Customizer |
sglive | SpeedGaming Live 2021 Settings, details at | Customizer |
sglive2023 | SpeedGaming Live 2023 Settings | Customizer |
shopsanity | Regular shopsanity. | Door Randomizer |
shopsanity_crisscrosskeydropsanity | Shopsanity, crossed doors, crossed entrance, keydrop and keysanity | Door Randomizer |
shopsanity_crisscrosskeys | Criss-cross keysanity w/ shopsanity. | Door Randomizer |
shopsanity_crosskeys | Crosskeys shopsanity. | Door Randomizer |
standard | Standard world state, randomized weapons. | |
standard_adkeys | Standard world state, randomized weapons, all dungeon keysanity. | |
standard_crossdoors | Cross dungeon doors, standard world state. | Door Randomizer |
standard_fast | Standard world state, randomized weapons, Aghanim 2 not required. | |
standard_hard_future | A potential new version of hard difficulty | Customizer |
standard_vanilla | Standard world state, vanilla weapons. | |
standardboots | Standard world state, randomized weapons, and you get boots! | Customizer |
standardmajoritems | Standard world state. Shuffles only inventory items and heart containers. Keys, dungeon items, ammo, money, and heart pieces remain vanilla. | Customizer |
standhard | Standard + Hard Item Pool | |
superquick | Find your equipment and defeat Ganon as quick as you can! | |
swordless | Swords are overrated anyway. | |
tournament_hard | Tournament Hard Item Pool | Customizer |
tournament_invkeys | Customizer | |
tournament_keys | Tournament keysanity. GTBK is always in GT, and | Customizer |
tournament_mcboss | Tournament MC Bossmizer | Customizer |
triforce30 | A Triforce Hunt, except there are 30 pieces required, and 40 in the item pool. | Customizer |
triforce40 | A Triforce Hunt, except there are 40 pieces required, and 50 in the item pool. | Customizer |
trinity | Customizer | |
trueicerodhunt | You get every every, except Ice Rod. All chests are otherwise empty except for that Ice Rod. GLHF :) | Customizer |
vanilla | The vanilla game, but with all of the quality life additions of the randomizer. | Customizer |
vanilla_inverted | An inverted version of the vanilla game. This requires major glitch knowledge to beat! | Customizer |
wtfrosia | Walther wanted this, for reasons. AD Keys, Assured Sword, Inverted Enemizer w/ boots start | Customizer |
Preset | Description | |
aqttp | A Quebecois to the Past S2 | |
bigjon | BigJon’s favorite | |
boots | A boots weightset. Designed for those who like boots. | Customizer |
bot_testing | A door randomizer weightset | |
chaos | Chaos… (please do not post in the bug reports channel if this breaks horribly, also not compatible with multiworld) | Customizer |
daily | Uses the weights currently in use for generating the daily games. | |
doors | A door randomizer weightset | |
festive | The default. Offers every setting, but with some balance. | Festive-only |
friendly | A friendlier weightset. Designed for those who don’t want something extreme (or entrance). | Customizer |
funweighted | Unweighted except no chance of triforce hunts or insanity entrance shuffles. | |
grabbag | A grab bag of multiple settings from previous ladder seasons | |
hmg | This’ll always be HMG. Always. | Customizer |
itemonly | No entrance shuffle. | |
ladder | Season seven mystery weights for ALTTPR Ladder | |
ladder_entrance | Season 11 mystery weights for ALTTPR Ladder, but only entrance | |
ladder_item | Season 11 mystery weights for ALTTPR Ladder, but only item subweight | |
ladder_ohko | Season 11 mystery weights for ALTTPR Ladder, but only ohko subweight | |
ladder_season1 | Pre-season mystery weights for ALTTPR Ladder | |
ladder_season11 | Season 11 mystery weights for ALTTPR Ladder | |
ladder_season13 | Season 13 mystery weights for ALTTPR Ladder | |
ladder_season2 | Season two mystery weights for ALTTPR Ladder | |
ladder_season3 | Season three mystery weights for ALTTPR Ladder | Customizer |
ladder_season4 | Season four mystery weights for ALTTPR Ladder | |
ladder_season7 | Season seven mystery weights for ALTTPR Ladder | |
league | Season Three weights for ALTTPR League | |
league_season2 | Season Two weights for ALTTPR League | |
league_season3 | Season Three weights for ALTTPR League | |
mg | This’ll always be MG. Always. | |
microfr2020 | Weights for second French micro-tournament | |
nologic | Anything can be anywhere and nothing maters anymore. | |
owg | This’ll always be OWG. Always. | |
pogchampion | Pogchampionship Season 10 by Andy | |
pogchampion_season2 | This is for the poggiest of PogChampions. Settings chosen by Mystery PogChampionship Season One winner Kyong. | |
pogchampion_season3 | This is for the poggiest of PogChampions. Settings chosen by Mystery PogChampionship Season Two winner Bonta. | Customizer |
pogchampion_season4 | This is for the poggiest of PogChampions. Settings chosen by Mystery PogChampionship Season Three winner Furaime. | Customizer |
pogchampion_season5 | This is for the poggiest of PogChampions. Settings chosen by Mystery PogChampionship Season Four winner Kyong. A detailed explaination of these weights. | |
pogchampion_season6 | This is for the poggiest of PogChampions. Settings chosen by Mystery PogChampionship Season Five winner WallKicks. | |
pogchampion_season7 | Pog7 | |
pogchampion_season8 | A pseudoblast from PogChampionship past | |
pogchampion_season9 | pogchampion_season9 | |
timed_ohko | a test weightset for timed ohko | Customizer |
tournament_de | Weights for the fourth Mini Tournament of the German ALttPR Community | |
unweighted | Every option is equally possible. GLHF. | |
veetorp | Maybe Veetorp’s favorite? IDK. | Customizer |
weighted | The default. Offers every setting, but with some balance. | Customizer |
Preset | Description | |
hard | Hard | |
lostworlds | Lost Worlds | |
newplayers | New Players | |
race | Race | |
sglive | SpeedGaming Live |
Preset | Description | |
casual_full | Casual logic and full item placement. | |
casual_split | Casual logic and a major/minor item split. | |
tournament_full | Tournament logic and full item placement. | |
tournament_split | Casual logic and a major/minor item split. |
Preset | Description | |
blitz | Normal logic, 0/0/0 crystal/boss requirements, pyramid hole open. | |
blitzkeys | Normal logic, keysanity, 0/0/0 crystal/boss requirements, pyramid hole open. | |
casual | Normal logic, but Sword and Morph are early. | |
casualkeys | Keysanity. Normal logic, but Sword and Morph are early. | |
dungeons | Normal logic, all dungeons + SM bosses. | |
fast | Normal logic, 7/7/4 crystal/boss requirements, pyramid hole open. | |
fast553 | Normal logic, 5/5/3 crystal/boss requirements, pyramid hole open. | |
fastkeys | Normal logic keysanity, 7/7/4 crystal/boss requirements, pyramid hole open. | |
fastkeysrandom | Normal logic Keysanity, Pyramid open, randomized GT, Ganon, and Tourian requirements. | |
fastrandom | Normal logic, Pyramid open, randomized GT, Ganon, and Tourian requirements. | |
grimice | Grimice’s preset for Solski. | |
hard | Hard logic, sword and morph are fully randomized. | |
hard553 | Hard logic, Ganon’s Tower and Ganon require 5 crystals, Tourian requires 3 boss tokens, morph and sword randomized. | |
hardblitz | Hard logic, 0/0/0 crystal/boss requirements, pyramid hole open. | |
hardblitzkeys | Hard logic, keysanity, 0/0/0 crystal/boss requirements, pyramid hole open. | |
harddungeons | Hard logic, all dungeons + SM bosses. | |
hardfast | Hard logic, 7/7/4 crystal/boss requirements, pyramid hole open. SGL 2022 tournament settings. | |
hardfast553 | Hard logic, 5/5/3 crystal/boss requirements, pyramid hole open. | |
hardfastkeys | Hard logic keysanity, 7/7/4 crystal/boss requirements, pyramid hole open. | |
hardfastkeysrandom | Hard logic Keysanity, Pyramid open, randomized GT, Ganon, and Tourian requirements. | |
hardfastrandom | Hard logic, Pyramid open, randomized GT, Ganon, and Tourian requirements. | |
hardkeys | Keysanity. Hard logic, sword and morph are fully randomized. | |
hardquick | Hard logic, ganon and mother brain open immediately, sword at uncle and morph is vanilla. | |
hardrandom | Hard logic, randomized GT, Ganon, and Tourian requirements. | |
normal | Normal logic, sword and morph are fully randomized. | |
normal553 | Normal logic, Ganon’s Tower and Ganon require 5 crystals, Tourian requires 3 boss tokens, morph and sword randomized. | |
normalkeys | Keysanity. Normal logic, sword and morph are fully randomized. | |
quick | Normal logic, ganon and mother brain open immediately, sword at uncle and morph is vanilla. | |
random | Normal logic, randomized GT, Ganon, and Tourian requirements. |
Preset | Description | |
2019brackets | Flags for week 5 and brackets of the 2019 tourney. GDQ Lite with dungeon shuffle, shapes dungeons, and enemy HP shuffle. | |
abns_swiss | Flags for the 2022 Z1R Summer Tournament. Swordless, red candle guaranteed in white sword cave. Start with 3 triforces. | |
abns_bracket | Flags for the bracket of the 2022 Z1R Swordless Summer Tournament. Forced overworld block, +/- 4 HP shuffle for most enemies, and no guaranteed red candle. | |
abns_elite8 | Flags for the elite 8 phase of the 2022 Z1R Swordless Summer Tournament. Mixed-quest overworld, full start shuffle, +/- 4 HP shuffle, and 2nd Quest monsters. Red bubbles cause slow speed. | |
babysfirsthdn | For Triforce Triple Play - Season 2. Mixed Quest - 2nd Overworld with dungeon heart shuffle, hidden dungeon numbers, and permanent sword beams. Start with the book and boomerang. | |
bettypls | For Triforce Triple Play - Season 2. Mixed Quest - 1st Overworld with dungeon heart shuffle, 2nd Quest monsters, extra bosses and permanent sword beams. Important items are allowed in Level 9. Sword heart requirements are vanilla, and the white sword is in a cave. | |
consternation | 1st Quest overworld, Shapes dungeons, mixed hints, +/- 2 HP shuffle, and dungeon heart shuffle. | |
excavator | For Triforce Triple Play - Season 2. Mixed Quest - 1st Overworld, random hints, with book to understand old men. OW blocks of the wood sword are allowed, and no extra candles, but you may get a starting red candle. Dungeon heart shuffle, remove most open stairs. | |
jesscherk | For Triforce Triple Play - Season 2. Some 2nd Quest elements, but no walk-through walls. You start with the recorder and 3 triforces for travel to vanilla dungeons. Dungeon heart shuffle, and important items can be in Level 9. | |
magsrush | For Triforce Triple Play - Season 2. The Armos have your red candle with OW wood sword blocks allowed. The magical sword can be picked up at 10 hearts, but white sword item requires 6. Dungeon heart shuffle, and important items can be in Level 9. | |
randomforce | Flags for the 2025 Randomforce Tournament. 5-8 triforces required to get into 9, helpful hints locked by the book, no heart shuffle, but the floor heart can be in the stair case instead of on the floor! | |
rr2024 | Flags for the 2024 Rookie Rumble. First quest overworld, shapes dungeons, and start with a sword and bombs. No heart shuffle. White sword spot is guaranteed to be the recorder at 4 hearts, and magical sword is guaranteed at 10 hearts. | |
sgl24 | Flags for the 2024 SGLive Tournament. Second quest overworld, shapes dungeons, and no heart shuffle. 13 heart magical sword, and most open stair cases removed! | |
swordlessplus | For Triforce Triple Play - Season 2. House rule: not allowed to pick up the wood sword until 1-hour mark. Possible 2nd Quest monsters. Dungeon heart shuffle, and important items can be in Level 9. Magical sword is available at 11 hearts. | |
walkitin | For Triforce Triple Play - Season 2. Full start shuffle, blank hints, vanilla HP. Book has no extra function. |