- RT.gg Commands
RT.gg Commands
ALTTPR Commands
!race / !quickswaprace
Use this command in the RaceTime.gg race room.
This allows you to generate a game using a pre-defined combination of settings.
Example: !race open
If !quickswaprace
is the command, the item quickswap feature is enabled for the race. Quickswap is always available for entrance randomizer races.
Here is a list of currently supported presets. The preset name will be the name of the file without the .yaml extension.
Use this command in an RaceTime.gg race room.
Here is a list of currently supported weights. The weightset name will be the name of the file without the .yaml extension.
Example: !mystery weighted
Use this command in the RaceTime.gg race room.
This allows you to generate a spoiler race game using a pre-defined combination of settings.
Here is a list of currently supported presets. The preset name will be the name of the file without the .yaml extension.
Example: !spoiler open
SahasrahBot, after the start of the race in RaceTime.gg, will post the spoiler log in chat and will automatically begin counting down 900s minutes.
This bot will inform you when you’re ready to begin racing.
SMZ3 Commands
Use this command in the RaceTime.gg race room.
This allows you to generate a game using a pre-defined combination of settings.
Example: !race normal
Here is a list of currently supported presets. The preset name will be the name of the file without the .yaml extension.
Use this command in the RaceTime.gg race room.
This allows you to generate a multiworld game in a team race room, creating a multiworld for each team. The race must be a team race.
Example: !multiworld normal
Here is a list of currently supported presets. The preset name will be the name of the file without the .yaml extension.
Super Mario Bros 3 Randomizer (SMB3R)
Use this command to roll a seed number and put the seed and flags in the race info and chat.
Example !flags 17BAS2LNJ4
Please be aware that the flag string is not validated.
The Legend of Zelda Randomizer (Z1R)
Use this command to roll a seed number and put the seed and flags in the race info and chat.
Example !flags VlWlIEwJ1MsKkaOCWhlit2veXNSffs
Please be aware that the flag string is not validated.
Use this command in the RaceTime.gg race room.
This allows you to generate a game using a pre-defined combination of settings.
Example: !race consternation
Here is a list of currently supported presets.
Zelda 2 Randomizer (Z2R)
Use this command to roll a seed number and put the seed and flags in the race info and chat.
Example !flags jhEhMROm7DZ$MHRBTNBhBAh0PSm
Please be aware that the flag string is not validated.
Final Fantasy Randomizer (FF1R)
Use this command to roll a seed number and post a link to the seed in the race info and chat.
Example `!ff1url https://4-2-0.finalfantasyrandomizer.com/?s=00000000&f=AgJO1tSXqnnX-JaaScPxkw0C.ecQDS8vc3iN9TWsbcTxxkB.we6qcINzOn754c0ATcdYK..B.PZ01XbeTw-tY99fnt-lVvSvLjUusyHE85QbhZxXm2IF.YqCsdaqmyHiUAQsp90Ct.9-B
Please be aware that the URL is not validated.
Super Metroid Randomizer (SMR)
Generate a seed using Total’s Super Metroid Randomizer at https://sm.samus.link
Here is a list of currently supported presets. The preset name will be the name of the file without the .yaml extension.
Example !totalrace casual_full
Generate a seed using the Super Metroid VARIA Randomizer at https://randommetroidsolver.pythonanywhere.com/
First argument is the settings preset, and the second argument is the skills preset. Lists of both presets can be found on the randomizer’s website.
Example !variarace default regular
This is currently broken and will not function. There’s no ETA on a fix.
Generate a seed using the Super Metroid DASH Randomizer, found at https://dashrando.net
DASH supports many popular features such as boss and area randomization along with unique modes which rebalance existing items and introduce new progression items.
- List available presets
!dash [--spoiler] <preset>
- Generate a seed using the specified preset (e.g., classic, recall, chozo_bozo, etc.)
Use this command in the RaceTime.gg race room.
This allows you to generate a multiworld game in a team race room, creating a multiworld for each team. The race must be a team race.
Example: !multiworld normal
Here is a list of currently supported presets. The preset name will be the name of the file without the .yaml extension.
Super Metroid (SM)
Use this command in RaceTime.gg race room.
This allows you to have a bingo card generated via the SRL bingo tool at the time the race starts.
Example: !bingo
Global Commands
This command prevents any seed rolling from occuring, except by a race monitor or a category moderator.
This command is only available to race monitors.
This command allows anyone to roll again.
This command is only available to race monitors.
Provides a link to this document.
Cancels the current race and clears the race info. This allows you to roll a different game, in case there was a mistake.
This command is only available to race monitors.